Getting information from some site via Basic IDE – possible? How?
Johnny Rosenberg
2011-07-16 15:34:39 UTC
Is it possible with the OpenOffice.org BASIC IDE to access a web site,
login, copy some text to the clipboard, and then logout?
Any hints?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
2011-07-18 04:12:22 UTC
Wow Johnny, you sure do get around :-)
Post by Johnny Rosenberg
Is it possible with the OpenOffice.org BASIC IDE to access a web site,
login, copy some text to the clipboard, and then logout?
Any hints?
I have seen examples using Calc using tricks similar to these:


In these examples, there was no need to login. The important point is
that they simply loaded the page. I am not aware of a simple way to get
the web contents without loading it into a document.

My fear is that the login step will fail unless you are able to pass the
credentials as part of the initial http request.

I expect that the rest of the task is easy if you can solve the first part.

Interested in seeing any solutions that you find or create.
Post by Johnny Rosenberg
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info: http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
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Andor E
2011-07-18 07:07:19 UTC
Not that I am aware of. The Basic IDE is woefully oldfashioned .



On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Johnny Rosenberg
Post by Johnny Rosenberg
Is it possible with the OpenOffice.org BASIC IDE to access a web site,
login, copy some text to the clipboard, and then logout?
Any hints?
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
with Subject: help
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Fernand Vanrie
2011-07-19 15:50:52 UTC

Yes you can do it , using the "connection provider"or using the UCB".
Go to the OpenOffice unofficial forum and try "http" or "https" and you
will find some code you can use to acces a website adress.
Gave also look a some Translater extentions, they use Google Translate
and send and get back translated strings from Google


Post by Andor E
Not that I am aware of. The Basic IDE is woefully oldfashioned .
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Johnny Rosenberg
Post by Johnny Rosenberg
Is it possible with the OpenOffice.org BASIC IDE to access a web site,
login, copy some text to the clipboard, and then logout?
Any hints?
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
with Subject: help
To unsubscribe send email to dev-***@api.openoffice.org
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with Subject: help
Johnny Rosenberg
2011-07-31 09:01:00 UTC
Post by Fernand Vanrie
Yes you can do it , using the "connection provider"or using the UCB".
Go to the OpenOffice unofficial forum and try "http" or "https" and you will
find some code you can use to acces a website adress.
Gave also look a some Translater extentions, they use Google Translate and
send and get back translated  strings from Google
Post by Andor E
Not that I am aware of. The Basic IDE is woefully oldfashioned .
On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Johnny Rosenberg
Post by Johnny Rosenberg
Is it possible with the OpenOffice.org BASIC IDE to access a web site,
login, copy some text to the clipboard, and then logout?
Any hints?
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
Thanks for all information and links. I'm not a (great) programmer so
I'm not sure I will fix this, but I will certainly try. It will take
some time though, since I have a lot of other things that also need to
be done…

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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with Subject: help
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